Private Message:
(he saw my E-card submission and he PM me.)
kgee: fuck all this E-rated shit make some adult shit like some hentai or something. You would be a good artist at that stuff ass hole.
manuelberja: i'm not a pervert. shut up!
kgee: sure your not. How many times have you pleasured yourself in the past month? 60 times? thats 2 times a day.....
manuelberja: what do you want?
i don't want a fight.
Submission Review:
(review for my submission Extinct)
wtf is this shit. I was pleasuring myself then was surprised by footsteps so i packed it all up. i come on newgrounds to cover up and this is the flash i watched. it is 1 of the worst i've ever seen. project? please, that means everytime i find someone elses shit in the toilet and i piss on it to watch it dissolve is a masterpiece! 2/10 points for allowing me to cover up. 1/5 points so no one has to waste any more time watching this flash.
I am so disappointed to him,i don't know what's his problem.
beware of this kgee monster,don't let him to catch you.
I'll take it he's a registered sex offender.
yes,he is.
hope never bothered by him again.
before all my patience run out.